Transfer Students

Welcome to Western, New Transfer Students!

Your first experience with Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center (AASAC) staff will be at your Advising and Registration session. For more information, please visit the New Student Services/Family Outreach website.

We're happy that you have chosen Western and look forward to supporting you in your continuing academic career. Here we provide information on how you can make a smooth transition to campus and find support for your academic goals and interests. If you don't find answers to your questions here, call the AASAC to schedule an appointment with an Advisor.

Are you unable to attend Advising & Registration?

You can meet with an advisor via phone or Zoom after the final Advising & Registration session of the quarter. Advisors can answer questions and help you prepare for your first quarter classes. To schedule an appointment with an advisor, call our front desk at 360-650-3100.

Who do I see for advising on an ongoing basis?

At Western there are many people available to answer your questions and help you with academic planning. After you have participated in your advising and registration session, the following resources are here to advise:

  • Transfer students should contact the department of your intended major as early as possible. Departments can provide detailed information on major requirements and the steps to declare. Once declared in your major, you will be assigned a departmental advisor who will work with you until graduation.
  • The Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center (AASAC) provides general advising to all students. Academic and Career Advisors can assist you with choosing a major, planning for graduation requirements, understanding your transfer credits, and much more! To schedule an appointment with an AASAC advisor, call the AASAC front desk at 360-650-3100.

Explore Majors at Western

  • Many students have ideas of possible majors and careers while they attended a previous college. Now is the time to start connecting those ideas to possible majors at Western.
  • Keep in mind some majors have prerequisite classes, a GPA requirement, and an application process/deadline.
  • Explore Programs of Study at Western
    • See what majors Western offers.
    • Learn how to declare a major—each Program of Study explains the specific requirements to declare that major and includes contact information for department advisors.
  • Explore Academic Departments
    • Check out the department websites to learn about the professors and the opportunities each department offers its students.
    • Meet with faculty and staff advisors to discuss the opportunities and steps to declare the major.
  • Not sure what you want to study? Have questions?
    • Schedule a Choosing a Major appointment with an Academic Advising Center or Career Services Center advisor.
    • Review the Academic Advising Center's comprehensive Choosing a Major website.
    • Check out What Can I do with a Major in…?
    • See what types of first jobs WWU grads get with different majors.
    • Complete an assessment of your personality and/or interests as they relate to careers and majors.

Next steps to maximize your Western experience

Get involved on campus through the Associated Students (AS) clubs and programs.

Build your resume experience through internships, research projects, and volunteer experience—the Career Services Center can help.

Connect with your professors during office hours.

Take advantage of resources: the Tutoring Center, Math Center, and Hacherl Research & Writing Studio.

I haven't been admitted to Western yet

Your first step as a prospective student is to meet with an Admissions Counselor. Admissions Counselors can answer questions about the application process, transferring credit, and available academic programs at Western. You can contact Admissions by email at or by phone at 360-650-3440.