Academic Alert
We know that sometimes you might face academic struggles and find yourself at the end of a term with a grade point average (GPA) below a 2.0 which puts you in what Western refers to as low scholarship standing. When this occurs, you will receive notification via email of your academic alert status. Academic alerts include a warning, probation or continuing probation, or even dismissal from Western.
Please know that it is not uncommon for an academic alert to occur, and you are not alone on this journey as you look to get back on track. We encourage you to make full use of the resources and support services that Western has to offer and reach out quickly to schedule an appointment. By working with our team and other campus partners and putting in your own hard work, there are definitely pathways to return to good academic standing, even in the next term.
To learn more about Academic Standing at Western, please consult the Registrar’s Office website.