Can I have another summer job if I'm an ASA?

The Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center expects the ASA position to be your top priority and you are expected to fulfill your responsibilities with the ASA position first. If you choose to seek additional employment, be sure that you communicate early on to your employer your needs and requirements as an ASA. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to ensure you are present at all required training and program activities as it is expected that the ASA position be your top employment priority. 


Can I take a summer course and be an ASA?

Yes, however, you will need to consult with Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center prior to enrollment in a course to ensure your coursework will not conflict with ASA job responsibilities. If you are considering taking a summer course, please mention this in your application and interview process. 


When will I find out if I’m selected?

The interview process will occur in late February with final decisions made in March. Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center will be in contact with applicants during each step of the process, letting you know your status. 


Do I have to be in Bellingham if I’m selected?

ASAs are required to be in Bellingham for training in Spring Quarter, but not during the summer. While training will be hybrid, with some in-person and some virtual sessions, all work in summer will be completed virtually in Zoom.   


If I don’t have access to a confidential workspace or reliable internet, can I still apply?

Please still apply and bring up for discussion during the individual interview process if selected to move on in the hiring process.


I’m a First Year student/I’m a Transfer student… can I still apply?

If you have successfully completed at least one quarter at Western with a WWU GPA of 2.0 or higher prior to Spring 2025, you are eligible to apply. You must also have an intention to enroll in classes Fall 2025 to be eligible. Our staff training will help you learn all that you will need to know about advising students and campus resources. 


I’m a senior, can I apply?

If you will be enrolled in 6 credits or more of coursework during Fall 2025 you will be eligible to work as an ASA for Fall Advising & Registration sessions during summer. However, if you are graduating during spring or summer 2025, you are not eligible to apply. 


Does the ASA position continue past summer?

Fall Advising and Registration in September, prior to the start of fall quarter, is the last required commitment for our summer 2025 ASAs. There are infrequent opportunities throughout the academic year to work as an ASA, which would be scheduled based on ASA availability. Being an ASA does qualify you to apply to be a Peer Advisor in the Academic Advising & Student Achievement Center. The Peer Advisor position works through the academic year and there is a formal application process that will occur in August for it. 




ASA Advisor Thadius

"Working as an ASA provided me an opportunity to not only learn more about Western, but also provide incoming students with information to help them succeed from now until graduation. This job helped me gain more confidence as a professional and I will always be grateful for my time as an ASA!"
